8 Drinking mistakes you will make this festive season
So it is that time of the year when you are free to indulge before the New Year starts and you find yourself making yet another resolution to quit alcohol.
The problem isn’t the fact that you are more likely than not to break this resolution, the problem is the drinking mistakes you are making now.
Here’s a look into some of them;
1. Mixing with coke – This is a mistakes that a lot of people make, mixing coke with their drinks. You should avoid coke or any other drink that has caffeine in it as it increases the amount of alcohol that is absorbed into your blood stream.
2. Experimenting with drinks – This season is the absolute worst time to experiment with the drinks. You will be invited to parties where there will be all these drinks, some of which you are not familiar with. You may not know the alcohol content of some of these drinks and things will go horribly wrong for you. If you have to experiment, do it in private.
3. Popping a pain killer before that night out – You may have heard something different but the truth is that popping a painkiller before going out to drink will not work as the effects will not last long enough to ward off the hangover. Try the morning after.
4. Asking the bartender to surprise you – Again, this is not the time for this. If you do not want to ruin your holiday, and that of those you are spending it with, order for the drinks you are familiar with.
5. Eating before drinking – The common misconception is that if you eat a lot before drinking, you will not get drunk. The truth is that it only slows it down but eventually, the effects of the alcohol will be felt. Be careful of over drinking just because you ate a lot.
6. Letting someone talk you round to over drinking – Again, every person is different, what gives one a buzz maybe what gives the other a black out. Don’t let anyone talk you round to overdoing it.
7. Losing your cool – True, alcohol lowers inhibitions. If however you do not want to start the New Year in a police cell, do not allow yourself to lose your cool and get into a bar fight just because you got drunk.
8. Hooking up with strangers – Yes, if you are single and lonely, this is when you are most vulnerable. Just remember that you will regret it.