
Eight things married women wish their men knew about sex

A couple going through a roughpatch. FILE PHOTO | NAIROBI NEWS

We know that a man’s ego is tied to his sexuality. As a result there are things that women wish they could say to their men in regard to their bedroom matters but they do not because they do not want to bruise his ego.

Here are eight things that married women think but never speak out loud;

1. A little bit of hygiene – Women like masculine man. They like the musky smell of a man. That said, your woman still wants you to shower after a long day at work before jumping into bed. A day old sweat isn’t sexy, it smells funny and it’s a turn off.

2. Size doesn’t matter – Whether a woman has a satisfying sex life is determined by a wide range of things from how she feels about the relationship to her monthly cycles. It has little to do with the size of your manhood. What she would like you to know is that the time you spend obsessing over size just takes away joy from the relationship.

3. If you are not sure, ask – A good relationship is one where partners can explore together. When it comes to bedroom matters, she would rather you asked first before you tried something new. Just because it looked good on that video clip doesn’t mean that she will like it.

4. She fakes it for him – Women fake orgasms all of the time. That is a fact. When she does though, it isn’t for her own selfish gain. It is so that she can protect a man’s ego. If you catch her at it, don’t give her grief about it. She did it for you.

5. Don’t learn from porn – Men are visual creatures and some of them like to watch pornography. Women understand that. What your wife wants you to know though is that she is that you shouldn’t bring the things you learn there to bed. Try taking cues from her, from her breathing and body language not from that video you watched.

6. Take some contraception initiative – Are you one of those men who are always complaining about how bad condom sex is? Yes? Your woman wishes you would take more initiative in regard to contraception. Stop thinking about just yourself. Take some initiative. Help her shoulder the burden. Sometimes this means to stop complaining about using condoms.

7. Women are visual too – Women always go the extra mile before hitting the sack. She will put on lingerie, comb her hair and put on some lip gloss. Men rarely do anything before bedtime. He wishes that you would put in a little more effort. Shop for good underwear, trim some of the hair and wear a clean t-shirt that is not torn. Women also get turned on by what they see.

8. Take off your socks – Some men, for some reason, will wear their socks to bed. This is a very unflattering look. Your woman wishes that you knew this and that you would remember to take them off before coming to bed.