
EXPOSED: Here are Nairobi’s most dangerous gangs

Members of the Gaza gang that is based in Nairobi Kayole's estate. Some members of the gang surrendered to the police in this June 29,2015 photo. PHOTO | EVANS HABIL

A report has named the three most dangerous gangs in Nairobi.

The Gaza gang, which operates in Kayole, Superpower in Eastleigh and 40 Brothers that is spread across Eastlands, have been named as the most dangerous gangs in the city.

The report further stated that the criminal gangs and police are responsible for most forms of violence in urban slums in Kenya.

A survey conducted by the University of Edinburg, the Danish Institute Against Torture and the Independent Medico Legal Unit released on Tuesday indicates that gangs and police were responsible for 43 per cent and 25 per cent of violence in slums respectively.


Of major concern is the open hero worship by criminal gangs, who set aside and inscribe walls with the names of criminals who have been killed by police, calling them “Fallen Soldiers”.

Former members of the Gaza gang that is based in Nairobi Kayole’s estate. PHOTO | EVANS HABIL

This act, according to the report, not only risks legitimising lawlessness but also alienates law enforcers and denies them the much needed partnership with the community in dealing with violence.

“Almost half, 46 per cent, of the perpetrators of violence reside within the immediate neighbourhood followed by those who live outside the village at 32 per cent,” stated Mwangaza Light Managing Director Catrine Shroff.

She spoke at the launch of a report titled “Violence Amongst Urban Poor” in Nairobi .

Ms Shroff, the lead researcher in the survey, said 41 per cent of respondents who participated in the survey stated that they had experienced violence since 2013, with 25 per cent having been victims themselves.


“The fact that most of the violence is perpetrated at household level by people in the neighbourhood is an issue that needs consideration in the emerging government policing initiatives like the Nyumba Kumi initiative because it then means that the initiatives may not work in this context,” she said.

The findings come just a few weeks after the police sounded the alarm over the rising number of criminal gangs who operate using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook to coordinate criminal activities.

“Organised criminal gangs were responsible for violence ranging from robbery, beating, killing, shooting and beating while police officers were majorly blamed for beatings and harassment linked to extortion,” she said.