
Fare thee well: Celebrities pay tribute to late Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai

The late Njambi Koikai a.k.a Fayah Mummah. PHOTO| POOL

The entertainment world is mourning the loss of Mary Njambi Koikai, popularly known as Jahmby or Fyah Mummah, who passed away on June 3 at Nairobi Hospital at the age of 38.

Her memorial service at Nairobi Chapel on Ngong Road on Thursday 13 June was attended by her friends and family.

Several prominent figures have paid heartfelt tributes to honour her legacy and impact.

Comedian Njugush’s Tribute

Comedian Njugush expressed his shock and admiration for Jahmby in a special message:

“Njambi, Njambi, the news of your departure took us all by surprise. Njambi mgani, one would ask. Fyah Mummah manze, they would reply. You taught us how to fight. What haven’t you done in this industry? Sio radio presenter, sio news anchor, sio talent manager, sio TV presenter, sio muziki, MC Ule Mnyanya, sio siasa… wewe ni ule mdenge. You really fought till the last minute and you won juu ingekuwa wengine wetu tunge-give up kitambo. You had a heart for everyone, kilami ya mabombay na bado lugha ya mtaani. Thank you for your big heart. Umepigana vita na umeshinda, kaa huko heaven hakuna uchungu Njambi. Wachezee muziki ata kama huna Selector Technix. Till tuonane. Rest in peace Fyah Mummah”.

DJ Technix’s Tribute

DJ Technix, who had a long-standing professional and personal relationship with Jahmby, shared his memories:

“I was Jahmby’s personal DJ for many years. We travelled far and wide spreading positive messages and uplifting inspiration to our fans around the world. Those who knew Jahmby knew that there could be no Jahmby without Technix. I met Jahmby in 2006 when she enrolled as a student at the Black Supremacy Sounds DJ Academy where I was a tutor. Since then Jahmby has been my friend and sister. She couldn’t go a day without calling me to see how I was doing. I have lost a friend and my personal MC. God gives and God takes away. Rest well Jahmby Koikai”.

His tribute was read by a close friend.

Reverend Ken Aringo’s Tribute

Reverend Ken Aringo fondly recalled his visits with Jahmby and her passionate advocacy:

“Each of my regular chance visits to your home will never be the same again, Mkanitu-Jahmby. I will miss your signature greeting: ‘Pasi karibu sana huku kwetu! Spending two hours in your company always felt like 20 minutes as we covered everything from the political class, health care, the media fraternity, contemporary youth issues, emerging technologies, the institution of the family, careers and the state of youth unemployment, and then your favourite topic: the fight against endometriosis and the urgent need to invest in the treatment and management of this ugly monster of a disease in Kenya. It’s painful to say goodbye, my sister, but I have no doubt that you made your voice heard and left an indelible mark on all the people you cared about. Thank you Barbara (daughter) for sharing your wonderful family with me. Rest in the bosom of your Creator – Jehovah Adonai! #ManziWaDago #FyahMummah.”

Sports Promoter Bramwel Karamoja’s Tribute

Sports promoter Bramwel Karamoja shared his admiration for Jahmby’s resilience and positivity:

“In the vibrant world of sports and entertainment, where our paths first crossed, I was fortunate to meet someone who would have a profound impact on my life: Fyah Mummah Jahmby. From the moment we met, it was clear that Jahmby was no ordinary person. She was a true warrior, exuding a spirit of resilience that was both inspiring and unyielding. Jahmby faced life’s challenges head on, never backing down and always standing tall. Her tenacity was evident in every aspect of her life, from her professional endeavours to her personal struggles. She had an uncanny ability to turn adversity into strength, turning obstacles into stepping stones and emerging stronger each time. This resilience was one of the many qualities I deeply admired about her.

Beyond her formidable strength, Jahmby was a beacon of positivity and hope. She had a unique talent for uplifting those around her, infusing every room with her contagious energy and unwavering optimism. Her presence was a source of comfort and encouragement, a testament to her character and compassionate heart. One of the most memorable experiences we shared was during the 5th Anniversary of the Karamoja Supercup in Samitsi and the Meru Football Challenge at Kinoru Stadium, where she gave a performance that will forever be etched in the hearts of her fans, a moment that perfectly encapsulated her spirit. Whether we were navigating the ups and downs of our industry or simply enjoying each other’s company, Jahmby always left an indelible mark on my heart.

Fyah Mummah Jahmby was more than a friend; she was a mentor, a confidante and a source of endless inspiration. Her legacy of resilience, strength and positivity will continue to guide and influence me for years to come. I am forever grateful for the moments we shared and the lessons I learned from her. As we celebrate her life, I am reminded of the profound impact one person can have on another. Jahmby’s warrior spirit and unwavering resilience will forever be a part of who I am. Rest in peace dear friend. Your legacy lives on in the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to know you.”

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