Hunk policeman gets city women swooning at his ripped torso
By SYLVANIA AMBANIA television advertisement of a local supermarket chain has gone viral thanks largely to the main character who has captured the attention of female viewers with his ripped torso.
The character, Stephen Karisa, is a policeman based at Shauri Moyo police station.
In the advert, Mr Karisa plays the role of a policeman who comes to the rescue of a distressed infant who had accidentally rolled into a crocodile-infested pool of water.
In one scene, the policeman takes off his shirt to display his well-chiseled torso before jumping into the water to rescue the baby.
The scene was the subject of a trend on Twitter on Tuesday, #naivashotcop, with city women drooling at his hot looks.
The hashtag #naivashotcop became a hot topic of discussion as women gushed over him, asking the cop to come and arrest them.
Wondering what crime I should commit. Any ideas??? #naivasHotCop
— Anastacia Omare (@AnastaciaOmare) October 11, 2016
What do you do when you're online and you see your girl tweet ati " #naivasHotCop arrest me"
???— Millan Ouma™ (@millanouma) October 11, 2016
— Mikey (@MikeyMuthui) October 11, 2016
I got this video on replay #naivasHotCop
— Ellah Wairimu (@Ellah_Wairish) October 11, 2016
#naivasHotCop just because of this silly video, my gal has just left me after an argument… sikatai niko na wivu, i'm hitting the gym next
— Mr. White (@ElvisKerabuAmen) October 11, 2016
@naivas_kenya creativity 100% lakini eka pia ya dem #naivasHotCop
— francis kinyajui (@FrancisKinyajui) October 11, 2016
#naivasHotCop we should check his teeth again you can't have it all bro, na atolewe kwa sacco this all attention is not good.
— CPA ALBERT?? (@Albykorir) October 11, 2016
I heard the girlfriend could not take the attention Steve was getting so she dumped him, chick be crazy #naivasHotCop
— Ellah Wairimu (@Ellah_Wairish) October 11, 2016
In an earlier interview with Nairobi News, Mr Karisa disclosed that he had been sharing photos of his physique on Facebook since January 2015
Mr Karisa hogged the limelight in June after women in the popular Facebook group Kilimani Mums Nairobi Uncensored first noticed his hot looks.