
Maverick Aoko’s new fiery clash with Ruto’s UDA amid naughty ODM Scandals

Maverick Aoko. PHOTO| COURTESY

Former journalist turned controversial social media personality, Maverick Aoko, is now embroiled in a war of words with President William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliace party and his Kenya Kwanza government at large.

Ms Aoko, who recently declared loyalty for President Ruto after allegedly being used, abused, and dumped by Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement party members, has now turned on the very party she ran to, claiming they were taking better care of her.

In several rants she posted online, she accused some government officials of denying government allied bloggers a budget to defend President William Ruto’s policies online.

It was for these failures that she resorted to looking for a top politician from Rift Valley, claiming it was purely for the party’s sake and not for other reasons as she had done in the opposition.

“I have written for a UDA bigwig He’s made sure I’ve not lacked so far But I need to write. I’m useless if I don’t write. Not for food… For purpose,” said Ms Aoko in explaining why she has been looking for the politician.

She went on to claim that Kenya Kwanza has a weak communication department and everyone with a communications background who managed to secure positions in President Ruto’s government became used to power and forgot to do their work.

“That’s why Pauline (Njoroge, a Jubilee Party official and allied blogger) beats us. I’ve talked to State House. I’m tired. Kenya Kwanza is useless. I’m done hiding. I have told people at Kenya Kwanza,’ Your communication is poor. Here’s my proof. I even send articles (to a top UDA blogger) and he only cares about the Deputy President. Tribalism is killing Ruto’s regime. Ruto has employed fools and sycophants. I’m done. I’m tired!” ranted Ms Aoko in several posts as she shared a screenshot of  an article published by a mainstream media also taking her position on the government’s communication practices.

She went on to claim that despite her complaints, all she was treated to was lunch and nothing done about the government’s communication. Eventually, she was told that it was people from the western part of Kenya and working at the Ministry of Interior who were allegedly messing with President Ruto’s communications office but no proof of this was provided.

“I’ve talked to the state. We’re doing badly communication wise. I’ve cited articles. Nimelia State House. You got Power and got stupid. The work you give me is nonsense. I warned I’ll not support you for long. Peanuts (given to me) won’t get me to shut up,” added Ms Aoko.

She went ahead to compare  Kenya Kwanza’s communication operations to Azimio’s vibrant “well-oiled” communications team that has been tackling President Ruto at every turn regarding his utterances and policies.

“I’ve been told (someone at the Interior Ministry) doesn’t see the need for communication from our quarters. Things like tax for housing, opposition is having a field day b’coz bloggers allied to the government are neglected and hungry. Bwana, I’m tired of keeping quiet.I’m tired. Government is doing extremely poorly, communication wise. I’ve said this internally until I got tired. I’ve shared screenshots of the same and now I’ve decided to scream at the top of my lungs on Twitter because in-house is not helping. Pride and disdain at State House. Ruto is working but Comms is letting him down,” ranted Ms Aoko.

Prior to pledging allegiance to President Ruto, Ms Aoko had also been a communications employee with ODM. However, she claimed she ended up engaging in naughty behaviors with a host of allied politicians, always depended on their handouts but eventually, they spat her out. It was after this that she threw her reputation to the dogs and began exposing her alleged sexual escapades with the married politicians including in their office bathrooms.

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