Mutua promises to do away with all grass-thatched houses in Machakos
By MWENDE KASUJJAMachakos governor Alfred Mutua will be giving iron sheets to all families that still live in grass thatched houses in his county.
Mutua announced his promise as part of his re-election manifesto stating that the iron sheets program will start in September.
Machakos villages have the low income earners living in mud huts thatched with grass and a polythene paper underneath to keep rains away.
The governor, who is facing stiff competition from Wiper party’s Wavinya Ndeti, has also promised to construct stalls for hawkers across the county and provide water to all residents.
This despite launching several water programs across the county that included village water showers that were widely criticized online.
Mutua’s promise to offer iron sheets to those living in grass thatched houses elicited mixed reactions online.
Starting next September we are putting in place a program to provide iron sheets to families living in thatched houses in the entire county.
— Dr. Alfred Mutua (@DrAlfredMutua) July 11, 2017
The financial year just began. Start tomorrow na uache those jubilee tactics.
— Highest Court (@HighestCourtLaw) July 11, 2017
Noble course however it is high time leaders come up with policies that will create opportunities rather than handouts culture.
— Boniface Muthoni (@BoniMuthoni) July 11, 2017
Hey,boss,last leg campaign ama namna gani jameni?
— Anthony nyaga (@Anthonynyaga75) July 11, 2017
What have you been doing for the last five years
— Chela Ayiro (@6012820b064946c) July 11, 2017
I mean at this rate you shall start giving citizens free underwear eih!
— James Ochola (@kakajaluo) July 11, 2017
Is this not corruption sir?..why now?…this is not the way we expect our leaders to provide leadership. ..this is utter corruption. …
— Francis M Mulogoli (@FMulogoli) July 11, 2017
Really? Too much ambition brother. They need source of income. Don’t give them the fish-teach them to fish.
— RAWLINGS NYANG’AU (@Sir_Rawlingz) July 11, 2017
Ths welfare programmes wil not solve anything if thy hav no multiplier effect. Btter do more boreholes or community service for iron sheets
— Eric Mosoti (@mosotih) July 11, 2017
If done, its will be of great help..remember Masinga – Kivandini Road
— Edwin Mbithi (@edmbithi) July 11, 2017
and starting 2022 we you shall be giving free underwear to all those who don’t have….
— David Mutuma (@DavidMu42766861) July 11, 2017
You are more than a leader,Machakos will never remain the same.
— Charles Bor (@CharlesBor5) July 11, 2017
You ought to have done that. Kuinuka
— Grace Wachira (@jaylynn_tyndale) July 11, 2017