Your new county paper is born
By THE EDITORGood morning — and welcome to the very first edition of a brand new newspaper made specially for you!
NairobiNews aims to help you to enjoy life in the new Nairobi County — the city, its suburbs and satellite towns— more than ever before.
And that is because NairobiNews is different from any other newspaper you can buy.
Every day it will be packed with news, views, and pictures centred on the county.
Other newspapers, including our sisters in the Nation Media Group, deal with the sweep of national and regional events — but NairobiNews will focus like a laser on this great county as we aim to live up to our bold slogan — At The Heart of the County.
Of course, we shall be keeping a watchful eye on the county government and its headquarters at City Hall and exposing promptly anything that undermines an honest, fair society free of corruption and sleaze.
But most of all we shall be telling you about the people who make up this county… ordinary people who do extraordinary things.
You will find inside all you would expect from an up-to-the minute paper — news that holds your attention, pictures that catch your eye, comment that excites and provokes, features that help you to enjoy life more.
And we make you these three key pledges:
• We shall always do our utmost to be accurate, balanced and fair;
• We shall fight for you, our valued readers;
• We shall never publish anything you would be ashamed to have in your home or cannot explain to a child.
Our digital-first mission includes a robust online presence on which will be updated throughout the day.
Log in to get all the breaking stories and updates on events within the county, including the latest videos and pictures from our correspondents.
Nai-Ona is a new Android APP that allows users to record great Nairobi Moments using their smart phones and share them with the rest of the world.
Most of all, we want you to enjoy reading Nairobi News.
Start today!
The Editor