
Sanaipei Tande talks about overcoming humiliation in past relationship

Sanaipei Tande during a past live performance in Nairobi. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU

Veteran singer Sanaipei Tande has shared a candid glimpse into her experiences with dating and fame during her 20s.

In a recent episode on the YouTube channel Engage Talk, Sanaipei unveiled her personal struggles and the trials she faced in her earlier years.

Sanaipei bravely disclosed the challenges she faced in a past relationship.

She recounted instances that left her feeling humiliated, undervalued, and vulnerable.

“I was in a relationship with this man for the better part of my 20s. I could share so many incidences that just put me down and made me feel so low, so useless, so worn out, and just near endangered my life.”

Sanaipei also shed light on the burdens celebrities often bear, as they are expected to live a seemingly perfect life in the public eye.

She emphasized that while celebrities may appear to lead glamorous and flawless lives, there is a hidden downside to fame—the inevitable moments of stumbling, making mistakes, and facing the difficulties of life.

“A celebrity is presumed to live a flashy lifestyle, glitz and glam and fancy cars. There’s also a downside to being a celebrity. There’s the falling, the failing, the making mistakes” She recalled pushing a stalled car in public.”

She also shared an incident where she was abandoned in a car at a dead-end road after confronting her partner about a troubling situation.

“In full view of the clubs and the revellers as my dude tries to pump on the gas, I’ve been abandoned asleep at a dead-end road by the said dude because I confronted him about finding him in a situation, but it was my fault that’s why I was left in the car. I just want to find mjengo guys there, the car keys, I’m like what is going on here?”

Sanaipei highlighted her commitment to being a supportive and understanding girlfriend, recalling moments when she would go to great lengths to visit her partner’s home. She described hitching rides on her partner’s gardener’s motorcycle just to spend time together.

Her story was not without moments of heartache.

She revealed that her partner often couldn’t recall his late-night confessions of love or cravings for chicken when she arrived at his house in the early morning.

Sanaipei noted that love can be a powerful motivator, especially during that stage of life when love feels all-encompassing.

He remains her good friend to date “We still talk, coz he’s cool peoples like that,” she said.

Sanaipei’s openness extended to her journey in the music industry, where she initially harbored dreams of fame and wealth when she began her career in 2004 as part of the musical group SEMA.

However, she says her hopes were quickly met with ridicule and harsh criticism.

The cruel comments from online trolls, who labeled her as “washed out” and accused her of singing in bars with intoxicated patrons to make a living, were especially hurtful.

“I was 20. I was unfamiliar with the criticism that comes along with being this person. I was using PSVs and facing ridicule as well over the situation. I was signing autographs in the mathree,” she said.

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