
Uhuru condemns road officials for Naivasha accident – VIDEO

President Uhuru Kenyatta during the 53rd Jamhuri Day celebration on December 12, 2016 at the Nyayo stadium. PHOTO | PSCU

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday condemned the Ministry of Transport officials for the erection of speed humps at the scene of the tragic accident that killed 40 people on the Nairobi-Naivasha highway Saturday night.

The speed humps were not visible and lacked signage to warn motorists.

The law requires that measures should be put in place to warn motorists of humps. These include signs and rumble strips.

In his Jamhuri Day address, President Kenyatta gave transport official a dressing down for not considering road safety in erection of speed humps.

“We do not want to say we are constructing better roads, (only) for them to turn into roads that finish our people. They should be roads that help in the growth of the economy,”

“And the ministry, especially of Transport, this thing of putting up bumps anyhow and on top of it there are no signboards indicating there are bumps. This must come to an end.”

Transport PS Irungu Nyakera had on Sunday said the humps were not visible and lacked signs to warn motorists.

He said the humps were “a bit steep” and that authorities concerned were considering adjusting them.