
Video: How police manhandled full-page-advert businessman

LEFT: Businessman Mr Mukhtar Ahmed. RIGHT: The full page advertisemnt carried on Daily Nation on October 7, 2015.

An online video has emerged showing how police officers manhandled and harassed a Nairobi businessman who later pay a full-page advertisement early this week to protest against what turned out to be an attempt to forcefully evict from his premises.

In the video officers wearing what resembles Administration Police uniforms are seen harassing Mr Mukhtar Ahmed during the raid ostensibly to evict him from the business premises located along Luthuli Avenue in Nairobi’s CBD.

Speaking to Nairobi News on Saturday, Mr Ahmed confirmed the authenticity of the video and that indeed it was him being harassed.

“There has been a court case for the last three years where the owner of the premises wanted to evict me without prior notice as per the lease agreement. We filed a law suit seeking an order to bar the eviction and the case is still pending in court,” Mr Ahmed said.


To watch the video click on this link:

He went ahead to identified the two Administration Police officers only as Momanyi and Nyakundi who were accompanied a certain Mr Jeremiah Muchendu (in grey suit) an auctioneer.

In an advertisement carried in Wednesday’s edition of the Daily Nation, Mr Ahmed claimed that Administration Police (AP) officers raided his shop on Luthuli Avenue and taken away electronic goods worth Sh20 million.

In the advertisement directed to President Uhuru Kenyatta he sought the president’s intervention in the matter.

The National Police Service spokesperson George Kinoti on Wednesday said they had launched investigations into the businessman’s complaints.