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AP in Mama Lucy hospital saga now says victim wanted to snatch his gun

By Joseph Ndunda February 21st, 2020 2 min read

The administration police officer suspected of shooting dead a bodaboda rider inside Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital in Komarock area, Nairobi on Thursday said he was wounded during a confrontation with riders at the hospital.

Through his lawyer Ayacko Kanyoko, AP constable Zadock Ochuka Oyieka said he sustained injuries on the left side of his chest.

Oyieka, who is yet to take a plea, says he was was injured during the commotion at the hospital’s security sentry box where 27-year-old Daniel Mburu Wangari was killed.

Police sources said the CCTV footage retrieved from the hospital shows Mburu attempting to rob Oyieoko of his gun and the gun’s muzzle has bloodstains an indication of a physical tussle in a limited space before the shooting. The directorate of criminal investigations is in possession of the footage.

“There is a clear struggle as the officer holds the gun to his chest while the deceased attempts to grab it. It is unfortunate that a life was lost but if I were in such circumstances, I would have done exactly what he [Oyieka] did,” said a police officer.

Rob a police officer of his firearm

“Otherwise, should a police officer allow someone to take away their firearm, what a country would that be where an individual can rob a police officer of his firearm, could you tell what that gun would have been used for if he let go of it?”

Daniel Mburu Wangari’s friends surround his abandoned motorbike after he was killed by a police officer. PHOTO | JOSEPH NDUNDA

Oyieka sought to be accorded medical attention while in police custody after the court granted custodial orders to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to detain him at Kayole police station until February 28.

Makadara chief magistrate Heston Nyaga directed that Oyieka be taken for treatment.

Mburu was taking a two-and-half-year-old boy rescued while drowning in a River in Korogocho slums and four others followed him to the hospital.

Police sources on Thursday said the five forcefully gained entry into the hospital and parked at a restricted area.

The riders are said to have gained entry into the hospital with their bikes in solidarity to ensure the child gets attention immediately and this caused a commotion at the gate but they entered the hospital.