Atheists seek DP Ruto’s millions with invite to their meeting
Atheists in Kenya now want a share of Deputy President William Ruto’s generous financial donations.
In a somewhat satirical approach, Atheists in Kenya (AIK) have invited Dr Ruto to their next meeting coming weekend and want him to make a sizeable donation towards their activities.
It goes without saying that Dr Ruto is an ardent Christian and has made a statement about his willingness to offer financial support to religious groupings across the board.
Since his reelection in 2017, the DP has spent most of his weekends at funds drives in churches where he has donated well over Sh200million.
It is this generosity that AIK President Harrison Mumia intends to tap into.
“Indeed, since his reelection in 2017, Dr Ruto has been very generous to churches. As a society, we would like to invite the Deputy President to grace our event at Hotel Metro, Nairobi on September 14, 2019. We ask him to support us by way of donation so that our society can have funds to carry out its activities. We hold monthly events and we would appreciate his presence,” Mr Mumia said in the statement.
Despite being a registered society, AIK has since its formation suffered setbacks mainly due to low membership and financial constraints that have in the past split its top leadership.
According to the statement sent to newsroom by the society of non-believers, the DP should embrace the diversity in religious beliefs and slot in AIK in his donations.
AIK places itself as a society that upholds humanistic values but on a secular basis and wants the second in command to support it in setting up non-religious institutions.
In fact, this is not the first time that the society has tried to push for the separation of religion from schools and government and have on multiple occasions called for the abolishment of religious studies.
“We know the deputy president understands that as a country we have diverse beliefs. We challenge him to associate with atheists as much as he associates with Christians and Muslims. We would want the DP to help us build schools and hospitals that are truly secular,” the AIK boss further said.
For a deputy president who has quite associated himself with religion, it still remains unclear if Dr Ruto will accept the bold invitation by a society that has openly distanced itself from religion.