Beware: City taps to go dry for three days this week
Nairobi city residents will go without water for three days this week as Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company conducts routine maintenance on its pipelines.
The company announced on Sunday that the disruption of water supply to the city and its environs will start Thursday from 6.00am to Saturday 6.00am.
The interruption comes at a time when city residents are already affected by water rationing following a drought that led to drop of water levels in Ndakaini Dam.
In a statement, the water compaby head of corporate affairs Mbaruku Vyakweli said that the interruption will involve shutting down the Mataara- Ngethu raw water pipeline to enable scheduled maintenance and repairs on the pipeline.
The company loses 10.45 percent of its water through leakages and targets to reach a low of 5.59 per cent through repair of leaking pipes.
“The Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company would like to inform its esteemed customers that there will be an interruption on the Thursday 6 April 2017 from 6.00am to Saturday 8 April 2017 6.00am this will improve on the efficiency of services to our customers,” read the statement.
The areas to be affected by the interruption includes the entire Nairobi County, Kiambu town and parts of Machakos county, namley Mlolongo and Athi River EPZ.
The water company has urged its customers to reserve and use water sparingly before and during the period of interruption.
Speaking to Nairobi News on phone, Mr Vyakweli said that they will also revise the water rationing schedule in the next two weeks in a bid to supply the commodity effectively.
He added that water levels at Ndakaini Dam are still at low levels despite the rains since most of the water sipped into the ground.
“It was really dry, the little rain we have received has not helped. Uunless it rains continuously the dam is still low,”said Mr Vyakweli.