Bring back the cane in schools, parents demand
A parents’ association has demanded that caning be re-introduced in schools.
The National Parents Association chairman, Mr David Maiyo, said the ban on corporal punishment was to blame for the increase in indiscipline in schools.
“We want caning brought back in schools. Spare the rod and spoil the child,” said Mr Maiyo.
He was speaking during the release of Form One selection results at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development in Nairobi. He received a round of applause from school heads.
But Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i and Principal Secretary Bellio Kipsang did not comment on the issue.
Dr Matiang’i asked school heads to address the problem of bullying in their schools, saying that the government does not wish to see children raised in a violent environment.
The reporting dates for all Form One students selected to all categories of schools is January 9, and not later than January 16.
“Principals should ensure that new students are well received and integrated with the others,” said Dr Matiang’i.
Section 36 (1) of the Basic Education Act, 2013, states that “No pupil shall be subjected to torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in any manner, whether physical or psychological.”
The ministry has on several occasions warned that no child should be caned and teachers who go against the law on corporal punishment risk disciplinary action.
A study by an education lobby, Twaweza East Africa, which was released in August, indicates that Kenyans prefer a conciliatory approach to a punitive one in addressing student indiscipline.
About nine per cent wanted corporal punishment reintroduced while 12 per cent believe those involved should be expelled and six per cent want the suspects jailed.