For the fifth installment of his comedy special stand-up show, Through Thick and Thin (TTNT), hosted last night Saturday, July 27, at...
Radio personality Alex Mwakideu has opened up about his decision to quit alcohol in 2019 and his subsequent love for cigars. Speaking to...
Remember Maurice Bianju alias Zikki? The one-time promising star singer. The singer has now come out of the fold to claim Main Switch...
Nigerian Afrobeat singer Yemi Alade has roped in Kenyan rapper Femi One on her 10 studio album release. The album titled ‘Rebel Queen’...
Comedian Njugush recently shared two inspiring stories about tricks his mother used to help him stop wetting the bed. The father of two...
Media personality, radio presenter, and actor Fareed Khimani return to host the reunion of The Real Housewives of Nairobi reality show...
The controversial, ‘The Real Housewives of Nairobi’ reality show whose producers have been taken to court by a politician, has come to...
NTV has successfully acquired the services of Michelle Ngele as its newest news anchor. The former K24 news anchor who quietly left...
Bongo movie actress Jacqueline Wolper now claims that the idea to build a house, which cost her Tsh 500 million (Ksh 24 million), came from...
Two-time Grammy award-winning Reggae legend Burning Spear has confirmed that he will perform in Nairobi on October 12, reassuring his...
After a family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz...
Soulmates Eric and Shelly are brutally murdered when the...
When tech billionaire Slater King meets cocktail waitress...