YouTuber Fredrick Marwa, popularly known as Iam_Marwa, has responded to a viral video showing his girlfriend...
Renowned matatu company Sacco Super Metro is offering free rides to its customers on Monday, April 15 for its new bus. In an...
Renowned comedian and MC, Dr Ofweneke, whose real name is Sande Bush, recently shared a surprising and awkward experience from his...
Inspector General of Police, Japhet Koome, is facing calls to retract and apologise for comments he made regarding the ongoing doctors'...
Legendary chanteuse Sanapei Tande says there is no upcoming collaboration between her and veteran rapper Jua Cali. A few days ago, Ms...
After a period of battling depression and financial upheaval, veteran musician Colonel Mustapha says he is ready to settle down, get...
Comedian Joseph Kinuthia aka Omosh now sees the folly in binge drinking and believes there is no pride in taking alcohol, it is for the...
Renowned media personality Cynthia Nyamai has taken on the leadership role for the latest branch of RIG East Africa (Restoration of...
The Kenya Association of Music Producers (Kamp), the body representing the rights and interests of producers of sound recordings, this week...
The national government’s affordable housing project is gaining momentum with the real estates’ now changing their approach in the...
A single father and two women venture from the safety of...
After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding...
Elphaba, an ostracized but defiant girl born with green...