Comedian Eddie Butita has revisited his falling out with former radio presenter turned content creator Miss Mandi, who once mocked his...
Brian Salaton popularly known as Unspoken Salaton has taken the Kenyan music industry by storm, releasing hit after hit and is now riding...
Gen Z and RnB are not the two words you would think you would find together in a sentence that didn’t have “don’t” before love, but...
Four police officers in Makueni County are under investigation after a one-and-a-half-year-old baby died in their custody in harrowing...
For the umpteenth time, TV actress and content creator Trisha Khalid says she is sick of claims she had a butt job to get her curvy...
Nina Ogot is an Afro-fusion singer and songwriter. Early this week she warmed up the contemporary Kenyan music scene with the release of a...
Most people are aware of phishing scams, but few are aware of quishing scams. Quishing, a hybrid of "QR code" and "phishing", involves...
Former gospel singer Kevin Kioko Bahati, who has since turned to secular music, content creation and brand influencing, has also applied to...
Comedian Elsa Majimbo, now one of the world's wealthiest celebrities, is making waves for her prudent financial habits. Despite her...
Before the heavy rains and the demolition of buildings on riparian land, Kitavu, a structure owner in Mukuru Kwa Ruben slums, enjoyed a...
After a family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz...
Soulmates Eric and Shelly are brutally murdered when the...
When tech billionaire Slater King meets cocktail waitress...