Netflix will premiere a new Kenyan drama series Mo-Faya, created and directed by Reuben Odanga, on December 20, 2024. The seven-episode...
Samidoh's former manager Moses Marite has reunited with his family having gone into 'hiding' since his release from police cells, following...
Legendary hip-hop/reggae artist Nazizi Hirji, who has been mourning the loss of her son, will return to live performances at the Blankets...
Nominated Senator Crystal Asige is accusing former colleagues Sauti Sol and their record label, Sol Generation, of exploiting her...
In an era where love is frequently dismissed as a "scam," Gengetone artist Mejja has shared heartfelt thoughts on modern...
Amapiano star Virgo Deep and Berlin-based DJ Natalie Robinson one of the breaking artists of house music are among the international stars...
Gengetone star Mejja Okwonko says his baggy fashion sense is influenced by the fact that he is not flashy. The Tabia Za Wakenya hitmaker...
Tanzanian rapper and politician Joseph 'Professor Jay' Haule says he has lost all his wealth after his family sold his properties while he...
Comedian Crazy Kennar has expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Bien, a member of the award-winning band Sauti Sol, for playing an important...
Singer Victoria Kimani says she has been single for three years now because she is afraid of sharing her partner with other women, a...
A single father and two women venture from the safety of...
After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding...
Elphaba, an ostracized but defiant girl born with green...