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CITY GIRL: The sun does not rise from your shiny weave, you screen siren

By CITY GIRL September 9th, 2016 3 min read

Somewhere, tucked between the pages of the Holy Writ, is a passage I would like to bring to the attention of a self-important diva;

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3: 3-4.

A video doing the rounds on social media allegedly showed one of your favourite news anchors giving a waitress a dress down of her lifetime. The waitress, this senseless waitress, had the audacity to serve the television diva her meals with a side plate of ‘an attitude’.

The diva and her bouncy weave were having none of this. The poor waitress was called unprintable names (pun, definitely intended), including that one reserved for a female dog that people use on women that they don’t like very much.

This, by the way, is a family paper and we are not allowed to print words such as ‘bitch’ even though I actually mean to say a female dog.

I want to let this devastatingly beautiful television girl know that it is important to treat people who are perceived below you with utmost respect.


It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from and how many times you appear on glossy magazines that accentuate your bogus credentials; waiters, house helps, guards and nannies are as important as any hotshot, moneyed lawyer in this town, no matter how short they may be.

You are not to treat anyone in a dehumanising manner, particularly those that you may erroneously think are not of your class because, woman, we have seen many like you come and go. I am not here to deliver a homily on humility, but you could benefit from some common sense that I will generously deliver today.

You should realise by now that the industry you are in is like a seesaw. The world you work in, is as vicious as it is flattering.

One moment you are at the top of your game (and other things) and the next, a potbellied ageing television editor is shopping around for a younger, prettier, version of you.

You are living in a house of cards. Because it doesn’t take sublime talent and ability to sit in front of a camera, the fame and fortune you seem to enjoy are fleeting and could be over even before you say ‘Range Rover 2016’.

Disabuse yourself of the notion that you are a VIP simply because you are photogenic and can read sentences from a teleprompter. There are far more important men and women in this country that deserve the title of VIP but they are not known to treat those below them with disrespect and call them names reserved for animals.


You may not know this, but waiters and waitresses are sometimes just having bad day. You know, like a sick child or unpaid rent or maybe they haven’t eaten all day.

Not everything is about you and honey, the sun does not rise from your weave, no matter how shiny it may be.
What you did, was wrong. And I think that waiter deserves a world-class apology from you.

Kenyans on Twitter may support you because they are bunch of vain, middle-class losers and hatemongers, but the truth is, you were on the wrong this time and nobody deserves that kind of public humiliation. Whether or not they are waitresses with ‘an attitude’.

Finally, I have given this advice here before – desist and resist from engaging bloggers to tweet fictional nice things about you. You seem to be following hot on the footsteps of a man-childlike advocate who is known to contract cheap bloggers to do the dirty work for him.

You are a good woman, a mother even. You still have a bit of mileage left on you, so use the little time you’ve left on screen to do a few good deeds. That waitress you humiliated would be a nice place to start.