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City Hall shuts Pastor Ng’ang’a’s church over Sh507k debt

City Hall on Tuesday cracked down on businesses and a State corporation within the Central Business District over unpaid land rates.

On Haile Selassie Avenue, Pastor James Ng’ang’a’s Neno Evangelism Centre was clamped over sh507,404 debt.

Drama unfolded during the lunchtime service at the church as where believers were barred from entering the premise until the debt is cleared.

All hotel owners, hawkers and car park attendants at the premise were forced to vacate the premise.

A City Hall said told Nairobi News that Pastor Ng’ang’a had called to inform him that he would send a representative to pay at least sh200,000 to reduce the debt.

The preacher claimed he was he was in a hospital and would pay the rest later.

During the morning operation, City Hall officials also targeted a Nakumatt supermarket branch and a Kenyatta University (KU) campus, both located on Haile Sellassie .

The two were  temporarily closed but reopened after officials produced receipts showing that they had paid lamd ratesin January.

Kenyatta University City Campus Director Prof Michael Gicheru accused the Nairobi County officers of harassment.

Nairobi Safari Club Annex on Koinange Street that houses Kengeles was also closed over non-payment of Sh1.5 million land rates.

Posta House was also clamped down and its gates closed over Sh1.97million debt