Nairobi News


City Hall to get rid of 23 unclaimed bodies, most were murder victims

The Nairobi county department of public health plans to dispose off 23 bodies that have been lying at the City Mortuary since November 2018.

The department has issued a seven day notice for the bodies to be claimed, failure to which they will be disposed.

The notice was signed by acting County Secretary and head of public service Mr Leboo Ole Morintat.

He said the county government will seek judicial authority to dispose the bodies after a week.

Majority of the bodies were brought in by the police from various parts of the city, with the cause of death either being murder and accident.

Public Health Act Cap 242 allows the Nairobi county to dispose off bodies that remain unclaimed.

The bodies are usually disposed off by burying them in a common mass grave or donated to institutions of learning.