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City MCAs to probe why Kidero’s personal lawyer also acting for City Hall

Nairobi County representatives are set to investigate how lawyer Prof Tom Ojienda, who is the personal lawyer of Governor Evans Kidero, ended up representing City Hall in numerous high profile cases.

Roysambu MCA Peter Warutere has already requested a statement from the legal committee to explain the circumstance that led to Prof Ojienda being the legal counsel despite City Hall having a legal service department.

Mr Warutere wants the assembly to be told how Prof Ojienda was engaged as a legal counsel without proper tendering being done.

“Specifically the county has engaged the services of Prof Ojienda as legal counsel on a number of numerous high profile despite having a legal department,”said Warutere.

He also wants to know how specific cases the lawyer is handling or has handled were allocated to him and why. Also, how many cases involving the county government has he handled or is handling since 2013 and the benefit enjoyed by the county government.


Further, Mr Warutere wants the legal committee to reveal the amount of Money paid to Prof Ojienda since 2013 and any pending amounts due.

“We will be measured by the work we do as an oversight body and we will not let anyone turn public coffers into a cash cow,”said Warutere.