City women find new use for Colgate toothpaste – PHOTOS
City women have found a new use for a popular toothpaste.
Colgate toothpaste is an oral hygiene product used to fight against tooth decay and bad breath.
But women in the popular Kilimani Mumz Udaku Zone Facebook group have been sharing tips on how to use the toothpaste to help achieve a clearer, smooth face.
One user even went ahead to post two pictures of herself, one showing her face covered in a white paste and the second showing the results after she had washed off the paste.
She claims to use the toothpaste together with Vaseline petroleum Jelly to achieve best results.
Also, a bit of itching on the face after applying the toothpaste is a sign that it is ‘working’.
You get the desired results within two days after application, she claims.
She however warns potential users against using other facial products while undergoing the ‘toothpaste therapy’.
“From this to this two days nikipaka, Colgate and Vaseline is working for me if ina washa it’s a good sign, I use the same thing mpaka kwa lips and its turning pink. NOTE: quit make up or anything product you used before applying this,usichanganye ukuje kusema umeharibika uso,” posted the lady.
Most women seemed to concur on the good effects of Colgate toothpaste to the face.
One user said; “I have also observed some change in 2days, the face is kinda glowing.”
“I think Colgate is bleaching. How do your lips turn pink?” questioned another user.
Another said; “Started it yesterday. Hopping for the best.”
One online user wrote; “Lazima nijaribu hii.”
Another user asked; “Na wenys tunatumia aquafrrsh tukae wapi?”
“I used Colgate on my face the next day pimples zilikua zimeiva nikama zilikua zinapikwa waaaat I gave up,” wrote another.
“Do we use colgate hearbal ama ni ile ingine ya kawaida?” another asked.
“Kidogo kidogo colgate ndogo itakua 1500ksh,” commented another online user.
“Naona colgate ikipotea kama strepsils za blue,” said another.