Covid-19 emergency board starts work by appealing for donations
The Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund Board has commenced work with its primary mandate being to mobilize resources towards containing the spread, effects, and impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Jane Karuku, chairperson of the board, in a statement on Monday, said the money raised would go to medical facilities and poor people first.
The team has also put up an M-Pesa pay bill number and a bank account that Kenyans of goodwill, corporates, and multinational institutions can use to send their donations.
“The support and goodwill towards this initiative have so far been very encouraging. Any person who may wish to donate to the Fund can send their contributions,” Karuku said.
The chairperson said they would make public all donations received and the spending.
“The Board will fulfill its mandate with the utmost transparency and good corporate governance. The Board will make public all contributions and expenditure regularly,” she said.
“For accountability, the Board is working with professional services firms PwC Kenya, Deloitte Kenya, and EY Kenya who are providing pro-bono assurance services,” she added.
Any person who may wish to donate to the Fund can send their contributions to:
Account name: Kenya COVID-19 Fund, Account number: 2042554653, Bank Name: Absa Bank Kenya PLC, Branch: Absa Towers, Branch Code: 077, Swift Code: BARCKENX. Or M-PESA Paybill: 999000, Account number: Name of organization or individual.