DCI introduces cartoons to illustrate crime scenes
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has introduced cartoonish photos to describe crime scenes. In a statement, the DCI said that it will be feeding the public with illustrations of how certain scenarios might have happened.
“Beginning July 3, the DCI brings you illustrations of select crime scenes to inform, educate and entertain our audience, as we strive to better our relationship with the public and give the agency a human face,” part of a statement shared on its social media platforms read.
Alongside the statement the DCI gave a sample of a dramatic robbery that went wrong after two suspected thugs attacked a General Service Unit (GSU) officer without their notice only for one of them to end up with broken jaws and missing teeth.
The incident took place on May 4, 2022 when the suspects allegedly arrived at the scene on a motorbike. The DCI said that the officer was in company of two woman and was heading back to Embakasi GSU Training camp when he was confronted by the suspected robbers.

“Unbeknownst to the miscreants, they had just encountered a drill instructor and a stickman par excellence, with a colourful career spanning over 10 years of training several details of paramilitary red berets. The officer launched a barrage of blows and kicks that disfigured one of the thugs’ mandibular anatomy, sending him to the ground rolling in pain. Following the attack, the two women escaped in different directions leaving the officer to square it out with the two thugs on a motorbike,” the DCI further said.
It is during the confrontation that one of the assailants drew a long knife and stabbed the officer, forcing him to flee the scene and call for backup.
“When the officer returned minutes later with reinforcement, all they could gather at the scene were two canines and one premolar, a telltale sign that the brawl left one of the attackers with life-threatening injuries. Also collected a few meters away was a black synthetic wig, left behind by one of the fleeing babes,” read the statement.
The injured officer was then rushed to Ruai Hospital for treatment.