Deport Me Too: Kenyans online protest Miguna’s deportation
Kenyans on Twitter expressed their solidarity with self-declared ‘General’ of the National Resistance Movement Miguna Miguna.
Through the Twitter hashtag #UhuruDeportMeToo, they expressed their desire to be deported alongside Dr Miguna.
The fiery lawyer repulsed attempts by the government to deport him back to Canada on Monday night in dramatic scenes that saw a FlyEmirates flight to Dubai get delayed for over an hour.
So violent were the scenes that the pilot took off without Mr Miguna, who had disembarked and vowed to fight for his rights.
“I am not going anywhere….where is my luggage? Where is my passport? You cannot take me from my country by force,” he remonstrated as the commotion delayed Flight EK 722 to Dubai.
Early Tuesday morning, the Department of Immigration had a change of heart and in a tweet said that it will dispatch ” the requisite application forms” to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for Dr Miguna to fill for processing.
The department gave no explanation why the option was not pursued in the first place.
Here is what Kenyans said on Twitter.
#UhuruDeportMeToo to a country where such machines are not used on innocent citizens
— Raphael Muholo?? (@R_Muholo) March 27, 2018
@NPSOfficial_KE you guys have proved to us that you deserve thé pay cut. Donkey of thé year award belongs to you guys effortless. #UhuruDeportMeToo
— Jerome TJ1 (@JeromeTJ1) March 27, 2018
#UhuruDeportMeToo My father was a former police,he persuade me to join the force after clearing my college.I honestly could not stand the impunity i saw on police station and lines,what i saw yesterday was exactly what i was aganist! Shame on @NPSOfficial_KE
— Ben Mutinda (@BenMutinda12) March 27, 2018
Kenya is not safe even for the youth. Today you announce of revolution, the next day you are found dead somewhere #UhuruDeportMeToo
— Nyamira's Finest (@NyabokeSerah) March 27, 2018
#UhuruDeportMeToo to a country where the right to education is embraced,,lecturers are well paid
— M O G E R E ?? (@abdaduncan) March 27, 2018
Where did our constitution go to??? To the dogs?!! #UhuruDeportMeToo
— Victor Think Tank (@VictorThinkerr) March 27, 2018
International airport JKIA shames the whole country #UhuruDeportMeToo
— Alfred Mutua (@Alfred_Mutua1) March 27, 2018
#UhuruDeportMeToo I am tired of run away corruption and cartels in this country!
— Gilbert Mutwiri (@sirgke) March 27, 2018
#UhuruDeportMeToo we are tired of someone treating us like Aliens , I want to go to Pluto
— Thaddeus Makau Mbaluka (@MakauThaddaeus) March 27, 2018