EACC: Raila is off the hook, for now
The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has stopped its pursuit of Cord leader Raila Odinga after he submitted a statement on his claims about the misuse of Eurobond cash.
EACC chief executive Halakhe Waqo said that by submitting the statement through his lawyers, Mr Odinga had fulfilled their requirements for now.
“That means for now he has complied and nothing is to be pursued beyond this,” Mr Waqo has said at a press conference at Integrity House.
This means that the drama around the possibility of forcing Mr Odinga to heed summons or face arrest has come to an end.
The statement by Mr Odinga’s lawyers was submitted last Friday and was based on two Treasury documents.
Mr Waqo said the statement would be analysed and the commission would consider whether it is necessary to have Mr Odinga provide more information.
Mr Odinga was called to the EACC to shed light on his claims that some Sh140 billion raised from Eurobond proceeds have been lost.
And in Kisumu, residents took to the street Monday morning protesting summonses to Mr Odinga to appear before EACC. The protesters, braving the morning showers that hit the town, marched towards the towns central business district.
They carried banners with messages daring the government to make good their threat and arrest Mr Odinga. However, Kisumu county commissioner John Elungata denied knowledge of the peaceful protests.
“We are not aware of such a thing,” he told Nairobi News on telephone.