Eight lessons men the world over can learn from the Nairobi man
Many things have been said about the Nairobi man. We have heard about his chauvinistic nature and his sometimes arrogant attitude.
What we haven’t heard about, however, is enough about his positive attitudes. They are many. Here is a look into those that other men can learn from;
1. He dresses to impress – If there is one thing other men can learn from the average Nairobi man, it is that it pays to dress well. With the rise of the metrosexual man, Nairobi is seeing more well-dressed men. The Nairobi man understands that looking good aides in opening doors.
2. He is up to date with the world affairs – Every evening, you will find him tuned to this international television channel or the other. While it may annoy his partner, the Nairobi man keeps himself abreast with the world politics. This is because he understands that whatever is going on out there has a bearing on his life.
3. Parking spots – Weekdays are a tricky time to find a good parking spot in Nairobi. The Nairobi man knows not to waste an hour or two driving around looking for the best spot. He just finds one that is good enough and goes about his day.
4. He can take the pressure – Nairobi is a fast paced city. Sometimes, it all comes crumbling down. Still, even in those moments, the Nairobi man stays put. He may feel nervous and scared but he doesn’t allow himself to break. He has learnt the art of staying calm in a storm.
5. He is willing to fight – No, he is not brash. Neither is he short tempered. When it comes to it though, the Nairobi man isn’t afraid of fighting either physically, mentally or emotionally. He is willing to do whatever it takes to keep himself and his family safe.
6. His mechanical ability – While he works hard and can afford to pay something to fix things for him around the house, the Nairobi man is still handsy. He knows his way around his car and the electronics in his house. He knows that no matter how much the gender roles shift, this is still a man’s role and he owns it.
7. He loves a good steak – The Nairobi man’s love for meat is unrivalled. He will make time for some nyama choma no matter how busy his schedule is. This means that he understands the importance of slowing down and just breathing every so often. He enjoys life.
8. He has balls – The Nairobi man is not one to sit and try to read a woman’s body language. If he is interested in a woman, he will walk up to her and ask her out. This confidence opens many doors for him.