Eight things the Nairobi woman secretly wants in the bedroom
The Nairobi woman is grossly misunderstood – that is not news. She doesn’t actually want a lot of things that the rest of the population imagines she craves.
Here is a look into what the Nairobi woman actually wants in the bedroom;
1. To take it outside – Yes, every women has that secret desire to get intimate in a place where she might get caught. That thought is very thrilling for her. Why not indulge her?
2. You to drop the act – Yes, she knows that you are a gentleman. She however still wishes that you would stop always treating her as something that can break, at least not in the bedroom.
3. Surprises – If you are like any other busy Nairobi couple, then there are certain times of day that the two of you usually get intimate. Why not deviate from this? Try much earlier or later.
4. To slow down – Even if she is with you every day, she wants to savor every intimate moment that she shares with you. She wants you to stop rushing as if there is somewhere you are running to. Help her savor the moments.
5. Some noise – If you are the quiet kind, then your woman wishes you would make some more noise. Verbal communication during intimacy will help the two of you stay in tune.
6. Ask her what she likes – This is the mistake that a lot of men make with women. Assuming that you know what she wants in the bedroom. What the women really wants is you to ask her what she wants and to mean it.
7. Reinforcements – Yes, she loves you but she wishes that you would bring in some play things into the bedroom. Try asking her about toys or role playing. You will be surprised.
8. Food – Have you thought about introducing some food into your intimate moments? Some wine or strawberries? Well, she has.