Embu male MCAs also threaten to strip naked over Waiguru ouster bid
Embu Members of County Assembly spent the better part of Wednesday’s afternoon session discussing the recent threat by their female colleagues to hold a nude protest should Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru be forced to resign.
Embu majority leader Andrew Musakwa said he would also mobilise male MCAs to strip in solidarity with the embattled CS if female MCAs make real their threat of staging a nude protest.
Responding to a group of male MCAs who were critical of such a move, Mr Musakwa said a nude protest will be boldest way of expressing their displeasure with the manner Ms Waiguru’s has been linked to massive corruption in government.
He reiterated his support to female MCAs who have threatened to march to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Harambee House office and later to Parliament Buildings naked should Ms Waiguru be sacked.
Mr Musakwa challenged the female MCAs to declare if they would truly strip naked in order to give male MCAs time to gather courage to join them.
Mr Musakwa said it would be irresponsible for male MCAs to just watch as their female colleagues marched naked on the streets without the support and protection of their male counterparts.
He was responding to a question by Kagaari South MCA Robert Ireri on whether Embu female MCAs were ready to make real their threat of stripping and parading themselves on the streets of Embu town.
Deputy Speaker Ibrahim Swaleh had allowed county members to ventilate on the matter, saying this was an issue of grave concern that had turned the glare of the media to Embu County.
The Assembly burst into laughter when Muminji MCA Newton Kariuki said that he really wished to see how the female MCAs would look if they stripped and bared their nakedness to the world.