CS Eugene Wamalwa in bitter inheritance battle with late brother’s children
A bitter inheritance tussle has rocked the family of former Vice President Kijana Wamalwa over his estate 15 years after his death.
At the center of this family feud is Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, this according to two of the late VP’s children.
“The people who are fighting us are extremely influential and respected, they are on TV every other day with the President or the Deputy President. They are in the newspapers every other day,” one of the two children, Duke Mboya, said on Friday in an interview with Citizen TV.
The two are clearly pointing an accusing finger at their uncle for their tribulations.
“If our uncle (Eugene Wamalwa) was who he would like people to think he is, we would not be here talking about this,” Duke added.
More worrying is that fact that the matter, which is court, has forced the late Wamalwa’s last born daughter, Michelle Wamalwa, out of school in Australia where she was due to graduate in a year’s time.
“As soon as dad passed away it was all downhill from there. They pounced on us and tried to take advantage of us,” Michelle said during the same interview.
Michelle and her brother Duke Mboya also claim that some members of their extended family have been trying take away their Karen family home.
The two, who are the children of the late Yvonne Wamalwa ,also claim that their late mother, whose first anniversary was marked on Friday, unable to access her pension, struggled to access her medical cover.
The two have been unable to access their father’s benefits since the late VP’s death in 2003, when Michelle was only three years old.
However, the two children are saying that their’s is not a plea for money or financial support, but rather a simple plea to be left alone.
“We are not here because we have nothing. We are here because we do have enough. We have enough such that once we are clear of this we would like to start helping other people like us,” Duke said.