Father and son accused of sexually molesting minor
Two men, a man his son, were on Thursday arraigned in a Machakos court with sexually assaulting a minor.
The two, a 70-year-old man and his son aged 28, denied the charges.
They were arrested after the 11-year-old girl revealed the two had been defiling her since 2016 when she was six.
The incident, according to court documents, happened in Kaani Village, Kathiani in Machakos County.
The two, appearing before Machakos law court magistrate Brenda Bartoo, were charged with sexually assaulting a minor, touching her private parts with no consent, and incest.
The prosecution further explained to the court how the two suspects subjected the minor to non-consensual sexual acts.
The suspects, who are her grandfather and uncle, according to court documents, enticed the minor with sweets and money before they started committing the heinous acts.
After they pleaded not guilty, they requested for bail, which the magistrate declined.
The magistrate remanded the accused at Kathiani police station.
The man is expected to appear in court on August 6 a day after his son’s appearance.
The minor was rescued on Wednesday evening and is currently at the Machakos Rescue Centre.
The mother of the child was chased away from home after she sought help from the media in highlighting her daughter’s story.