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Firebrand Pastor warns women against competing with their husbands

Firebrand Seventh Day Adventist Pastor Elizabeth Mokoro, in a past sermon, warned woman against competing with their husbands. She chalked this down to a lack of respect for husbands they felt were beneath them.

“The minute you realize you have no more respect for your husband, you can be so sure that even if you pray and fast, you will never submit (to him). Respect is the basis and when you realize it, you begin to talk to your husband the way you talk to your little brother. You can be so sure you will never submit. Never! Once you lose respect for him, forget about submission. He becomes like any other boy in your compound. Submission becomes tough.

So we’re not in this competition of who earns more, who earns less, who is taking care of much responsibility, who is not. It’s simply acknowledging ‘we are in this set up, he is the leader, I am the subject’. Accord him the due respect even when intellectually you feel you are more blessed or endowed than him,” said Pastor Mokoro.

Pastor Elizabeth Mokoro is passionate about preaching marriage and family values.

In a prior Nairobi News report, she also warned men against losing the wives of their youth to chase after other women because their lives will reset and they will “become zeroes.” Pastor Mokoro told the men in her congregation and her wider audience that if they dared to leave the wives of their youth, or their wives divorced them, they would lead zero lives- back at square, a position which she called a state of deficiency and incompleteness.

“I talk to men and tell them to make sure their wives do not go away because the day she walks out on you, you are back to zero. There is no marriage that will work after her. None. That is why the Bible says he who findeth a good wife, findeth a good thing. And I speak to my women and tell them ‘these are people you should have mercy on because when you look at him if you leave him, he will die. Women have always been labeled the weaker gender.

Let me tell you, there is power in a woman that only God possesses and He had to cloth it with a weak person for you to be able to stay with her otherwise she will overpower you. Tell me of the great men who have gone down, who has taken them down? Women. There is an influence we have, and women have not understood this power to be able to use it on their men. You can use it for good or for destruction. Men can conquer cities but the only person that can conquer man is a woman,” said Pastor Mokoro in a past sermon.

Pastor Mokoro preaches at a city church in one of Nairobi’s affluent suburbs.

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