Five Kiambu county officials arrested for issuing fake PSV stickers
Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations have arrested five Kiambu County officials for issuing fake Passenger Service Vehicle by-law stickers.
DCI said they investigated the case following reports of cases of fake PSV stickers in Thika West Sub-County.
After the investigations the detectives managed to arrest Elijah Mungai Mukinya an Accountant, ICT officer Lawrence Mutwiri Njebi, George Njoroge Macharia an accountable documents officer, Mary Wairimu Nyota and Esther Njeri Waweru who are both cashiers.
Detectives also confiscated computer processing units and laptops suspected to have been used to commit the crime. The gadgets are currently being subjected to forensic audit.
DCI, however, did not say how long they had been investigated and when the five officers arrested started to commit the said crime.
In 2017, all vehicle owners in Kenya were required to have a new National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) stickers.
A vehicle owner parts with Sh700 for the third identifier sticker with application for being done through the Integrated Transport Management System, available on the authority’s website.
It is displayed on the windscreen and bears discrete features of the vehicle registration, ownership and inspection details and is protected against forgery and is automatically destroyed when removed or tampered with.
In case the sticker is damaged, the owner is required to apply for a replacement at the same cost.
The sticker is valid for 10 years.