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‘Form ni kuoga na kurudi soko,’ Samidoh’s wife Edday Nderitu advised

Edday Nderitu, the wife to Mugithi singer Samuel Muchoki aka Samidoh, has been advised to recollect herself and move on with her life.

The call out has been made following the current turmoil in her marriage. Netizens have now urged Edday to choose between peace or a union full of pain and tears.

The debate ignited by blogger Martha Mwihaki Hinga, who while seemingly marketing Keziah Wa Kariuki’s beauty products, challenged Edday to liberate herself from the unhappy marriage.

Also read: Samidoh’s wife Edday Nderitu turns to God after days of drama in her marriage

“Mimi naona tutume Edday kwa Keziah Wa Kariuki. Kuoshwa mchana peupe, kurudi soko, kukosa kujipa tena, kurudi soko kutafutia watoto pesa. Hakuna paragraphs. Very intelligent woman,” Ms Mwihaki wrote on her Facebook page.

“Looking for money, saves you acres of paragraphs. Keziah Wa Kariuki is now running brands, has a new parlour in Kahawa and is happy. Wengine hatukuzaliwa tupendwe bwana. Go and promote her Beauty Parlour at Kahawa Sukari. Mwambie umetumwa na Martha, utapewa discount,” Mwihaki further said.

Also read: Scorned Woman – Edday should have kicked Samidoh’s behind to the curb a long time ago

According to her profile on social media, Wa Kariuki, a media personality, also runs her own businesses.

The post drew numerous comments from other users, some of whom concurred that Edday should take the bold step of quitting the marriage.

Edday has since responded to the blogger by saying: “Taking notes, congratulations to my friend Keziah Wa Kariuki.”

Also read: Karen Nyamu’s close friend hints ‘secret marriage’ of senator and Mugithi singer

Dr Dianah Kamande, the founder Come Together Widows and Orphans Organization (CTWOO), has however, advised Edday to tread carefully and stop exposing her marital woes online.

“She should choose wisdom. Not every advice from her circle of friends means good for her. More so, she should look forward to establishing herself to be an independent woman hence the endless ‘fights’ we hear surrounding her marriage will come to an end,” Dr Kamande told Nairobi News in an exclusive interview.

Last week Edday poured out her frustrations online with revelations of her troubled marriage, more so in the last three years. She spoke at length of how nominated senator Karen Nyamu, has wrecked her home. Samidoh and Nyamu have two children together.

Also read: Samidoh and Edday Nderitu. Who cheated first?