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Former Mungiki leader’s co-accused in robbery case dead

One of the four co-accused in a case where the former leader of the proscribed Mungiki sect Maina Njenga are charged with detaining four police officers in a city church before violently robbing them is dead.

Trial magistrate Ms Martha Mutuku directed defence lawyer Karathe Wandugi to avail a copy of the death certificate of Daniel Wanjohi to the state prosecutor before August 30, 2017 as proof before further directions are issued.

Ms Mutuku declined to issue a warrant of arrest against Wanjohi  “until it is confirmed he is dead.”

The court had been asked to issue a warrant of arrest but the plea was resisted vehemently by defence lawyers Wandugi and Evans Ondieki who sought the courts indulgence to enable them avail documents confirming Wanjohi’s death.

“The accused is demised and we are liasing with his relatives to furnish us with a death notification and certificate which shall be produced in this court,” Mr Wandugi said.


Ms Mutuku directed Mr Wandugi to avail a copy of the document confirming the death of Wanjohi to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for the necessary action.

Mr Njenga, who lost the Laikipia’s senatorial seat on a Kanu ticket during last week’s general elections, is jointly charged with Francis Mwangi, Wanjohi , Ngare Njogu and Stephen Kuria Mwangi.

They are accused of violently robbing a businessman Joseph Njoroge Thuo Sh100,000 and four police officers, cash, communication gadgets and personal effects including bank ATM cards.

The alleged offences were committed at the Hope International Ministries at Thome Estate in Kasarani Nairobi County in April 22 , 2012.

Hope International Ministries is associated with business magnate Kamlesh Pattni and Mr Njenga is one of the pastors in that church.


Besides Wanjohi, all the other four who are out on bond, had attended Monday’s hearing when it was reported that the third accused (Wanjohi) has since died.

Mr Ondieki also informed the magistrate that the police had written to the DPP stating that “they do want to pursue the case against Mr Njenga and his co-accused.”

Asked if he had a copy of the letter to the DPP, Mr Ondieki said he would avail a copy.

Besides confirming the status of Wanjohi, Ms Mutuku also required the prosecutor to find out whether the DPP and the accused have agreed on an out of court settlement.

Besides the wrongful detention and violent robbery charges against the four, the state also filed other charges of maliciously damaging a GK vehicle and Mr Thuo’s vehicle all valued at Sh7.2million.