Fresh twist as magistrate who gave Waititu anticipatory bail now resigns
The graft investigations involving Kiambu County governor Ferdinand Waititu and members of his family have claimed the first victim, Kiambu Principal Magistrate Bryan Khaemba who has resigned.
His resignation comes 24 hours after Chief Justice David Maraga suspended him following an inquiry by the Judiciary Ombudsman that found him to have acted inappropriately when he issued anticipatory bail to Governer Waititu.
In a letter addressed to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), Mr Khaemba said that the conditions provided to him after suspension from office awaiting disciplinary action over gross misconduct was “a constructive summary dismissal.”
Magistrate Khaemba cited various reasons for his resignation, among them the need to engage in other income generating activities after he was given an indefinite suspension during which he was to earn nil salary.
He was once the secretary general of the the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA).