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The full guide to fine dining this Easter

If you are one of the lucky Nairobians, your significant other will have planned an amazing eating out experience this Easter.

Maybe it will be your first. If it is you do not have to fret about doing or saying the wrong things. Here’s a look into vital do’s and don’ts;

1. Look the part – The first thing you need to know about having dinner at that five star restaurant is that you will need to dress for it. For the men, a suit will do and for women, a dinner dress. Sandals are a no-no.

2. Napkins – Napkins are not part of the table arrangements. Once you are seated, the napkin is supposed to be spread out and placed on the laps. If you need to leave the table, place it on the table next to your plate. Do not leave it on the chair. Use the napkin to dab on your mouth in case of any spills, not to wipe your mouth.

3. Don’t take pictures of your food – That is our culture today. We experience the world behind camera lenses. You can take pictures of food at the coffee shop but if you are doing fine dining, don’t. Not only is it uncultured, it will distract others in the restaurant.

4. Follow the leads – Fine dining involves a host of forks, spoons and knives. Usually, the forks are set on the left side and the knives and spoons on the right side of the table. When eating you are supposed to work from outside when selecting cutlery. The cutlery furthest from the plate is intended for the first course. If you are not sure about how to hold something, wait for your companion to do it then follow their lead. If any of your cutlery falls on the floor, do not pick it up.

5. Eating – Most foods are served hot, do not blow on them to cool them. Let the food cool by itself. Also, do not stuff your mouth with food no matter how tasty it is. Do not slurp on the food.

6. Your phone – In this digital era, our phones have become part of our daily existence, including our intimate dinners. If you are doing some fine dining this Easter, do not put your smart phone on the table. Your keys should also be left in the purse.

7. Manners – Eating at a five star restaurant will be costly. You may not like the tastes of the some of the foods that you will be served. When this happens, desist from thinking about how much you have spent and causing a fuss about it. If you do not like how something tastes, leave it.

8. When toasting – If you need to make a toast during dinner, tap on your glass to get the attention of others. Do not clink glasses when making a toast. Simply raise your glass and hold eye contact with the people you are toasting.