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Gilad and Dela unveil emotional ‘Nakuahidi’ video

They are arguably two of Kenya’s most promising music acts and they recently collaborated to give music fans one of the most emotional song we have heard in a while.

The two, Gilad and Dela decided to write a song which celebrated Kenyan soldiers who are serving to keep our country safe.

The Nakuahidi, Swahili for ‘I Promise You’, was released in April but it took them four months to unveil the moving video.

The video was unveiled on Thursday night during a red carpet event with only invited guests at Prestige Palm in Nairobi.

Produced by MG Studios, the song talks about two lovers bidding farewell to each other as one has to leave to fend for the family, hence the promise to see each other again.


During an exclusive interview with Nairobi News with the two singers said they had something to do with the song and the reason they dedicated it to soldiers was because they had experienced the loss of someone in their lives.

“I recorded my bit and then approached Dela after hearing her Swahili cover to Adelle’s Hello. The song just felt perfect for her vocals. When I met and played it to her at a parking lot, she agreed to come to the studio later on. In the end, the song had evolved into the emotional ballad that we have,” Gelad said.

On her part Dela said: “He was stalking me, but when I entered the studio I had so much fun and I changed a few things when he was away and after he returned (Gilad) he loved it.”

They also added that it was for the love of the families who have lost soldiers that they decided to sing the song and also after what Kenya went through after recent terrorist attacks.