Heartless relatives torture cousin to death for ‘stealing’ phone – PHOTOS
Police in Embu are holding a woman on suspicion that she and four relatives tortured to death their 30 year-old cousin on accusation of stealing a phone.
Samuel Gichovi succumbed to injuries on Thursday in Kathita village, Embu county, after being beaten with crude weapons for over six hours as the relatives tried to extract information about the missing phone worth sh5,000.

Embu West DCIO George Etyang said the five had stormed the deceased’s house and flushed him and another cousin out while demanding that they produce the phone.
He said the woman, identified as Ms Rwamba Gichuku who is in her mid 30’s, had accused Mr Gichovi and Mr Elijah Muchangi of having the phone Wednesday night.
“They rounded them up at 11pm Wednesday and tied them with ropes and started beating them up with crude weapons. The torture continued for over six hours until Gichovi succumbed,” said Mr Etyang.

The perpetrators at one point took the captives round the village where they had been spotted during the day, trying to force a confession.
Passersby rescued Elijah while the lifeless body of Mr Gichovi was spotted dumped a few metres from the point where they were being tortured.
The body had cuts and bruises.

Mr Etyang said members of public had volunteered information leading to the arrest of the woman while her accomplices fled.
The body was moved to Embu Level Five hospital mortuary.