Here is the magic formula for a happy marriage, study
Findings of a new scientific study have unveiled a surprising secret to a happy marriage.
Contrary to popular belief that a lot of sex is the secret to a happy ever after, science says that the couples who make love once a week are the happiest in marriage.
Turns out that more sex will not make you happier.
The study by researchers from the University of Toronto in Canada looked into 30,000 people who were either married or in a committed relationship over a period of 30 years.
The researchers found that couples on average have sex once a week . To achieve this with busy lifestyles they schedule sex and they are happy with it.
The researchers found that while having more frequent sex is associated with happiness, this happiness is only sustained if the frequency of sex is once per week.
The happiness plateaued at having sex once a week.
Despite the existence of common assumptions about sex, like men are more interested in sex or that older people have less sex, the study found that frequency of sex was not affected by age, sex or even the length of the relationship.
The findings remained constant for both men, women and even older people.
Findings published in the Journal Society for Personality and Psychology show that once a week sex was also found to make couples happier than higher incomes.
The belief that a lot of money and a lot of sex makes people happy is only true up to some point.
People go into relationships with the belief that for it to last, they need to have as much sex as possible. Turns out that this isn’t the way our bodies are built and in fact, too much sex can get boring to the point that it takes away value from the relationship.
Once a week may be the ideal frequency that maintains that feeling of an intimate connection.
“I think the take home message is that in general, it is important to maintain a sexual connection with a romantic partner, but is also important to have realistic expectations for one’s sex life, given that many couples are busy with work and family responsibilities,” concludes the a study lead Amy Muise, a psychologist.
It is therefore not necessary for couples to strive to have sex as frequently as possible. Once a week is perfect.