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Here’s why people are sharing ‘Happy 420 Day’ messages

You have probably seen people sharing the number 420 and wishing each other a Happy 420 day on social media.

If you are still a bit confused by it all don’t worry, I got you.

420 is all about April 20, which is the unofficial International Weed Day.

Both marijuana smokers and non-smokers recognise April 20 or 4/20 as a national holiday for the cannabis culture, but few actually know how the date was chosen.

The code 420, also seen as 4:20 or 4/20 and pronounced as four-twenty, is a code-term for cannabis culture that refers to the consumption of cannabis sativa or weed.

There are plenty of urban legends and theories about where it all began. The main one being the police code used in the 1970s.

A specific instance is referenced. In 1971, students at a high school in California apparently organised to meet at 4.20pm to find a plot of land to plant cannabis.

The group is called The Waldos, five friends who met up at a wall then one of them, Dave Reddix, said they went to hunt for a hidden weed garden planted in a forest.

The journey reportedly began at 4.20pm. The code stuck.

While most agree this is where the first use of the term came from, others have challenged the story.

In 2017, the Oxford Dictionary settled the matter by interviewing The Waldos and then including the term 420 in the dictionary.

People often use it as a code phrase, to meet up, or on dating sites to show they’re ok with cannabis – “420 friendly.”

Businesses use it in their names too as an indicator that they deal in or allow use of cannabis.

There are however legal implications for being caught with the drug in the country and bhang traffickers and users are more likely to be sent to prison.

Before the Covid-19 shut the world down, there were rallies held worldwide where thousands turned up to light up, despite police warnings against such meetings.

This year people in various countries will have to feel “chilled out, relaxed and happy” from the comfort of their homes. But in Kenya you risk a jail term if caught.