Nairobi News


How Sakaja’s government is seeking to overhaul Nairobi Water Company

The Nairobi County government has proposed major reforms to the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company Limited through the Nairobi City County Water and Sewerage Services Bill 2023.

Through the Bill, which has been submitted to the County Water Committee, the administration of Governor Johnson Sakaja has proposed a number of changes with the intention of improving services to residents of Nairobi.

If the Bill is passed, among the key changes will be the establishment of the Nairobi City County Water and Sewerage Services Corporation, which will replace the current Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company Limited.

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According to the Bill, the Corporation will establish service delivery, operations and customer service offices at sub-county and ward levels and may further decentralise as necessary to ensure optimal service delivery.

The functions of the company include the provision and management of water and sewerage services, the development and maintenance of infrastructure for water and sewerage services in the county, including water works as well as the development and maintenance of adequate water supply systems for domestic, commercial and other purposes.

The company is also mandated with the development and maintenance of infrastructure for sewerage services in the county, including primary, secondary and tertiary systems, among others.

The Bill also provides that the Governor will establish a Board of the Corporation to be appointed by the Governor.

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The members of the Corporation will include a non-executive Chairman appointed by the Governor and eight other members appointed taking into account the range of professional skills and stakeholder interests in water and sewerage services.

The eight members will include a representative of the Chief Officer for Finance, a representative of the Chief Officer for Water and Sewerage Services, four members appointed on the basis of professional competence in the following areas: human resource management, information and technology, business administration, customer service, one member representing the public interest and one member representing youth.

The Bill also proposes the establishment of the Nairobi City County Water Services Development Fund, to be managed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Governor.

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