I did not raise him – Facebook Rapist’s mother speaks
Maria Mabaso, the mother of Thabo Bester, also known as the “Facebook rapist” and South Africa’s most wanted convict, recently revealed that she had very little interaction with her son while he was growing up.
In an interview with South Africa’s Eye Witness News, Mabaso said that her son was entrusted to the care of his grandmother at the age of one due to her being a single parent who constantly worked.
This led to a deterioration of the relationship between Mabaso and her mother over the years.
“He was entrusted into the care of his grandmother at the age of one due to her being a single parent and having to constantly work,” Ms Mabaso told South Africa’s Eye Witness News.
She said this resulted in the relationship between her and her mother worsening over the years.
“At the end of the day, my mother shouted at me every day. She pushed me away. When she pushed me away, I said ‘No, I will sit by my place and I am not going there ever again,” she was quoted as saying.
Also read: The mind of a fugitive: How escapee rapist and murderer Thabo Bester hid his identity
Ms Mabaso revealed that when the son was in his teen the mother fell ill and later died and it is then that she tried to relocate and be linked to her son in vain.
While addressing journalists over the arrest of the couple that has been on the run since March 2023 when it emerged that Mr Bester had escaped privately-run prison in Bloemfontein, Mr Cele said that they were also arrested alongside Mr Zakaria Alberto a Mozambique national.
“They were arrested with multiple passports in their possession. None of the passports were stamped,” he said in the press conference.
Mr Bester was found with documents that identified him as Mr Tommy William Kelly, an American citizen while Dr Magudumana had documentation that identified her as Martha Patience Mmerika Nitshini.
The passports, according to the South African government, which had received details from Tanzania, where the trio was nabbed, also showed that Mr Bester had more pseudonyms, further adding to the case’s complexity.
Also read: Details of socialite arrested alongside rapist fiancé while fleeing to Kenya