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Imams slam judge for lifting ban on gay film ‘Rafiki’

By EUNICE MURATHE September 24th, 2018 1 min read

Muslim leaders have condemned the temporary lifting of the ban imposed on lesbian-themed ‘Rafiki‘ film by a high court.

The ban had been slapped by the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) over claims that the film promotes homosexuality. The High Court on Friday temporarily lifted the ban on the film.

Justice Wilfrida Okwany lifted it the ban for seven days, allowing it to be screened to “willing adults”.

Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) organizing secretary Sheikh Khalifa Mohamed expressed dissatisfaction with the high court ruling that allowed the film to be screened in Kenya.

Speaking at the organization’s offices in Mombasa, Sheikh Khalifa said the film promotes lesbianism and urged other leaders to join in condemning it.

“The Judge with a duty to determine cases has made the ruling so that a film that is promoting acts of homosexuality and lesbianism can be considered for the Oscars. That is a shame,” said Sheikh Khalifa.


The cleric urged Chief Justice David Maraga to condemn the ruling.

“I plead with Mr Maraga as we respect his stance. He is a Sabbath keeper who follows the teachings and instructions of the Bible. We want him to join us, the religious leaders in condemning this,” challenged the sheikh.

“This Judge should be called and questioned. One person cannot destroy the reputation of the whole country. Now it seems like Kenya is in support of homosexuality and lesbianism.”

Sheikh Khalifa also urged Kenyans to unite against the film and condemn the ruling

“All Kenyans who respect morals and recognize God and are followers of religion regardless of if you are a Muslim or a Christian let’s unite against ruling that was made by the high court on Friday, “he said.