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Janet Mbugua shares her pregnancy struggles

Former Citizen TV anchor Janet Mbugua has shared her pregnancy struggles with her fans.

The journalist, who is in third trimester of her second pregnancy, revealed on her YouTube channel how it took a while to conceive the baby.

She waited for about nine months before she finally conceived, she revealed.

“It wasn’t as easy as one would have expected. It took eight maybe nine months for us to conceive so I don’t know whether that was around the diet or stress I don’t know but its not automatic that you say you will conceive in 2018 and it happens,” she stated.

Janet also delved into the issue of friends taking off when a new mom’s priorities change during pregnancy and after birth.


“People just kind of disappear on you I guess because they can’t relate to your journey. Surround yourself with the right people, family for me is everything I have such a great support system in them both my family and my in-laws and that is what matters. Anyone else who feels like one day being a part of my journey and one day not, its okay,” she said.

Janet commented on Caesarian Section, saying that she had preferred to push her first born Huru but he was in a breach position hence an operation.

She steered clear of whether she would want to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarian) stating, “I already have a due date and my doctor is on call.”

On Monday she got all playful describing how her son thinks her maternity tights are not a complete outfit.