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Jaymo: How Wajackoyah won the Kenyan election

Roots party head of media Wilson Muirani alias Jaymo Ule Msee insists George Wajackoyah the political outfit’s presidential candidate, won the August 2022 polls.

He said: “There were 22 million registered voters, only 14 million voted, 8 million ni watu wa bangi wote (they all consume weed).”

He further explained the 8 million (that did not vote) ‘plus the around 60,000 votes Professor George Wajackoyah garnered would have secured him the victory’

“In an ideal situation (President-elect) Ruto and Odinga could have already conceeded defeat.”

Wajackoyah, the 62-year-old law professor attracted a fair share of criticism and love through his manifesto of legalising bhang, rearing and extracting venom from poisonous snakes as well as removing hyenas’ testicles for export in order to offset China’s debts to Kenya.

Through Wajackoyah’s lenses, Kenyans would, if he is elected, work for four days with the weekends being three instead of two.

“Working days would be between Monday and Thursday. Friday being a Muslim prayer day, would not be counted as a workday, and that Saturday and Sunday would also form part of non-working days,” he said while unveiling his manifesto.

Wajackoyah finished third in the recently announced presidential results with William Ruto being declared as the president elect with 50.49 per cent votes followed by Raila Odinga with 48.89 per cent.

The latter has since claimed that the election was not free and fair and vowed to challenge the matter in court.