June 19: Kenya confirms 117 new Covid-19 cases
Kenya has recorded 117 new positive cases in the last 24 hours, Health CAS Dr Rashid Aman said on Friday.
Kenya has now 4,374 confirmed cases from a total of 133,541 samples.
Of the 117 positive cases, 112 are Kenyans while five are foreigners.
The 117 cases were from 3,043 samples of which 83 are male while 54 females.
Some 91 patients were also discharged bringing the number of recoveries to 1,550.
Kenya has also recorded two fatalities bringing the total number of deaths to 119.
The ages of those who tested positive are between 11 and 75 years,
Nairobi county leads in the number 0f cases with 51, Mombasa 22 and Kajiado 18, among others.