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Junet tried to justify Raila’s rigging claim, but Twitter had none of it

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed’s tweet trying to justify Raila Odinga’s election rigging claims has been trending since Tuesday, attracting over 700 retweets.

The legislator told off those questioning how the opposition claims the presidential results were rigged when the Jubilee Party won majority of seats in Parliament and Senate.

Junet made an analogy between Mr Odinga and Machakos governor Alfred Mutua who won the gubernatorial seat while his Maendeleo Chap Chap party only got eight county assembly seats.

Actually, Mutua’s party won nine out of the 40 seat in the Machakos County Assembly and not eight as insinuated by Junet.

Here is Junet’s tweet and the replies he got making the tweet to be shared widely;